As a former teacher, Fabrice Lig is a compelling example of why you should learn your history. The Belgian born Lig grew up alongside electronic music, starting with breakdance culture before branching out to European and Detroit techno. His kinship with Detroit’s soul-futurism led him to focus on making more than faceless techno, with Mad Mike of Underground Resistance even claiming Lig was considered “part of the Detroit musical culture itself.” After releases for impressive outlets including Delsin, Playhouse, Fine Art Recordings, Versatile Records, Third Ear Recordings, Lig returns to Fine Art for Genesis of the Deep, his second album under his own name. This week’s exclusive download, “Fusion,” is taken from the album (released this week) and finds Lig working in the fast paced, hypnotic realm often associated with Jeff Mills and Robert Hood. While its double helix of spiraling synth runs are front and center, it’s the carefully arranged shaker and hi-hat rhythms which give the track a clever charm. With one foot in Detroit and the other in his own aesthetic world, Fabrice Lig knows just what it takes to get listeners hooked and moving. Our thanks go out to Lig and Fine Art Recordings for generously sharing this track.
Exclusive Download: Fabrice Lig, “Fusion”
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