New York dance rockers 33Hz have been relatively quiet since their mid-aughts heyday, issuing only a single and a podcast since 2007. They’ve also found one of the best ways to remain relevant — drafting cosmic disco wizard Prins Thomas to remix their last single, “Under The Sun.” As usual, Thomas doesn’t remix so much as re-imagine the original as an epic. In fact he basically offers two different tracks over the course of 12 minutes. The first half is a big cable knit sweater of interwoven synth squiggles, its percussion loose and jangling with the band’s Bee Gees-like vocals peaking over the top. Half way through the track relaunches as a piano-led funk tune that could have been recorded in 1978, even with its sharp elbowed synth bass line poking through din. Even though it bests the original in just about every way, Thomas’ “Diskomiks” gives audiences a reason to care about 33Hz all over again.
33Hz, “Under The Sun” (Prins Thomas Diskomiks)
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