Morgan Geist likes to take his time, so it’s unsurprising that he and his subway-platform discovery Damon C. Scott have taken a full year to follow up Look Right Through, their debut 12″ as Storm Queen. Beyond taking his time on the release front, Geist is also a master of measured tension in his production, and this restraint is palpable on It Goes On.
I honestly wasn’t paying much attention the first time I listened to “It Goes On” — I remember checking a minute or so in because I forgot what I was listening to (the perils of not using physical records), maybe a little surprised at how slight it sounded. The track begins with a very basic classic house template, mostly bass, kick drums, and Scott’s voice, and as he repeats “day after day after day” above that minimal arrangement, you get a strong sense of his emotional drudgery. It’s a perfectly discreet foil for the jolt that occurs midway through, when he suddenly breaks out of the monotony with the chorus. It begins with the exclamation “what am I doing with my life?!” (does a more urgent sentiment exist?) as Geist adds a sleek, impassioned melody underneath. With this dynamic established, the pair spend the remainder adding and subtracting bits, leading up to a second and final refrain of the chorus that’s just as effective as the first. The 12″ also includes a dub, which sets the track on a more linear, atmospheric course. Scott’s vocal is removed apart from a few phrases, and in turn much of the original’s tension is diffused. But it does its job, a solid alternative for those who like Geist’s svelte programming but would rather not ride the impassioned rollercoaster of the original. Simply put, Storm Queen are now two for two.
creeped up on me too – didn’t realize how big it was until the chorus was booming in the club
my friend and I played this at a party last weekend. The chorus definitely blows up the tune. very catchy.