While perhaps better known as the drummer of Danish trio WhoMadeWho, Tomas Barfod is no stranger to working on his own. I’ve always been more drawn to this material, as it often finds him unafraid to follow flights of fancy and in league with a rotating cast of collaborators. This all comes to a head on Salton Sea, Barfod’s debut album under his own name. Filled to brim with catchy choruses, hummable synth lines and a handful of talented vocalists, this is undoubtedly a pop album, albeit one which uses the dance floor as its launch pad. You can’t find a finer example of Salton Sea‘s myriad pleasures than on “November Skies,” led by the fanciful vocals of Nina Kinert. As with the rest of the album, a thick, surging bass synth courses among a glittering melodic melange, Kinert spinning tale of love-aided empowerment in her keen, soaring voice. By intertwining an utterly urgent central motif with more whimsical elements Barfod gives “November Skies” a broad utility to score summer trips and poignant dance floor moments. I suspect he won’t be known for his WhoMadeWho membership for much longer. It’s our great pleasure to thank Barfod and his label, Friends of Friends, for making this available for free.
Tomas Barfod, “November Skies”
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A truly magical track