In a departure from the regular format of LWE’s Curator’s Cuts series, the 27th edition features some of LWE’s writing staff discussing a few of electronic music’s prevailing trends in 2012 and opining on what 2013 might have in store for us. Editor-in-chief, Steve Mizek, served as the moderator of a conversation between Per Bojsen-Moller, Brandon Bussolini, Steve Kerr, and Michael C. Walsh.
Curator’s Cuts 27: LWE Staff (50:00)
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interesting thoughts on the past year. I have a request though, the sound quality is a bit rough and blurry, if you could get better audio next time that would be great.
Thanks for the feedback, goff. We actually recorded this at the highest possible quality but were dealing with fussy Internet/Skype connections that affected the sound quality.
yeah, that’s what I thought, hard to rely on Skype. Granted, English is not my native language, but I’m still pretty decent, so perhaps you could enunciate a bit more? Especially when it comes to the names of artist mentioned, so I can take a closer look on their releases.
– y’all were playing that Deetron podcast? I love that one.
– Even though there was much controversy over Bicep, they were still great feel good tunes that I played a bunch. I don’t have much of a problem with 90s revivalism it can really help people dig up a lot from the past. I bet there were many who discovered Kerri Chandler, because Bicep was getting called out. So that’s a positive.
– About those dubstep producers moving on: I felt like skrillex and his buddies with their faux dubstep just gave it such a negative connotation that no one wanted to be associated with it anymore. That’s probably not the reason, but that’s what I like to think happened.
good talk guys