Few electronic musicians have earned the title of “mad scientists” as thoroughly as nsi., the venerable duo of Tobias Freund and Max Loderbauer. Their productions are often the results of studio experimentation, allowing their analog synths and vintage drum machines to run wild and form tracks almost incidentally — the journey being much more important than the end destination. On Friday February 5th, as part of the Unsound Festival, nsi. will bring their sonic tinkering (and much of their analog gear) to New York City to provide the soundtrack for Andy Warhol’s seminal film, “The Kiss,” alongside Detroit techno legend Carl Craig, who will do the same for Warhol’s “The Blowjob.” There are 7:30pm and 9:30pm showings at The Film Society of Lincoln Center’s Walter Reade Theater, both of which will probably sell out, so get your tickets while you can.
Download: nsi., “Mont”
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As an appetizer for this mouthwatering event, nsi. has generously provided LWE with the completely exclusive track, “Mont,” for your downloading pleasure. Derived from a recent live set, tts sustained, bittersweet piano chords are pocked by the click-clack drums puttering from their drum machine, shadowed by throbbing bass and unearthly affected vocals. Thanks to Max, Tobias and Unsound for track; make sure to check out nsi. February 5th.
Wow. This is absolutely stunning. It sounds to me like a beat-driven version of one of their improvised wanderings at their Mutek 09 performance. It could in fact be that recording. Works well with Fritz Lang’s iconic “Metropolis”.
This is fantastic – thanks!
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Matt Kane's Brain, Little White Earbuds, lt_kije, chris miller, ImaHouseGroupie and others. ImaHouseGroupie said: Download an exclusive track from nsi.: Few electronic musicians have earned the title of “mad scientists†as thor… http://bit.ly/5pSwGu […]