This is Little White Earbuds version 2.0. We’re extremely proud of the new layout, which was designed by Tyler Grisham and turned into a web-savvy reality by Michael Wnuk and Libor Vanc of the Turtol firm. Without their help we would still be stuck on WordPress and with a WordPress theme, so our eternal gratitude goes out to them. If you’re looking for someone to work on your website, get in contact with them.
Let us know what you think of our new home, especially if you find a kink still needing to be ironed out. Now, onto the content!
Thanks from my ears!
there’s a crew doing lwe ?
It’s mostly me (Steve), but in the future there will be more of us. More on this after the switch.
Looking forward to the evolution.
congrats! link to be changed.
Ho ho hooooo! Niiice design. Let’s see what you’ve got to offer besides that 😉
nice looking layout!
Great job Steve. This will be great to read in the new format.
Love the new look Steve. I can’t wait to see what you’ve got in store for LWE 2.0
Oooohhhh… a M. Dear interview. Score!
Just a quick post to congratulate you on the new layout, looks fab! Now back to the Matthew Dear interview