Introductions are in order (the Nate DeYoung edition)


Hello World.

I’m notoriously bad at introductions, am American enough to like the bar game Big Buck Hunter and think that every dish tastes better with pork. Lately, I can’t get enough of those stab-house strings and warm square basslines in Mugwump’s “Boutade.” I have no worthy adjectives for Appleblim & Peverlist in “Circling.” Both are probably my favorite songs of the year.

I’m also American because the best show I saw last year was Daft Punk in Coney Island. I met a guy there whose shirt said “6’8″ NOT MY FUCKING PROBLEM” on his back and know exactly what he means (true story!). The biggest development in my life is that I recently quit my job to move to Berlin because I like stereotypes just enough to be one.

Most importantly, I think, is that I’ve spent no small amount of time blabbing over the internet about the music everyone should like – starting at Stylus Magazine, following through to the site’s dance/electronic offshoot, Beatz by the Pound. I ended up at Resident Advisor to start out the new year. Why stop now?

Hello World.

manuel  on March 25, 2008 at 3:31 PM

Hi Nate!

I wish I was tall.

todd  on March 25, 2008 at 7:40 PM

ha, i’ve beaten big buck hunter !

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