Alex Israel’s 2011 EP for Will “Speculator” Burnett’s W.T. Records, Walking to Guntersville, turned out to be one of the year’s finer house EPs. On its four tracks, the Chicago-via-Detroit producer blended the historical sounds of his hometowns with a healthy element of jammy unpredictability. This year, he’s set to release a follow up for Holland’s Crème Organization, and if “Spite Donkey Scolding Leech” is any indicator, it’s every bit as freewheeling and raw. Beginning with a booming electro-jack rhythm, Israel adds a sharp, bouncing bass line, crazed, drunkenly dramatic church organ lines, and brisk synth arpeggios. As with the tracks on Walking to Guntersville, “Spite Donkey Scolding Leech” is a prime slice of synthetic funk, stuffed full of turn-on-a-dime changes. And while it’s brimming with layers, Israel coaxes its hectic energy into a coherent track that’s both party-ready and tinged with a slightly sinister edge. Our thanks to Alex Israel for making this one available for free.
Alex Israel, “Spite Donkey Scolding Leech”
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Alex bringing the heat! Watch out for him, he’s going to catch fire this year…
Alex Israel, best music.