Happily, Derek Plaslaiko is not someone we’d normally identify as a creeper. Goofy, sure, but never to questionable lengths. Yet after collaborating with Brendan M. Gillen (BMG) of the group Ectomorph, we’re starting to have our doubts about the Detroit native currently residing in Berlin. His single with BMG, “Is Your Mother Home,” conjures visions of a guy who owns an unmarked white van, with pitched down vocals that wonder about the well being of an unknown young thing, and particularly the whereabouts of its mother. Granted, the video (streaming above) paints a more benign picture, but the gritty, minimal beats suggest a darkness once captured by Dan Bell or the heyday of Minus. This week’s download is BMG’s dub of “When Is She Coming Back?”, a variation of the core single. Replacing the vocals with a creaking groan evocative of an abandoned house’s hard wood floor, the track compounds its menace with rotund toms and abstract, pinging tones. Our thanks to the duo and their label, Interdimensional Transmissions, for the track. Just stay away from playgrounds, OK?
BMG & Derek Plaslaiko, “When Is She Coming Back?” (BMG Dub)
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Pair with Bam Bam – Where’s Your Child for double the impact 😀