Brandt Brauer Frick always seemed like a group that was meant to outgrow its origins as a humble three piece. Perhaps it was their infectious video for the song “Bop,” featuring a legion of BBF clones, which planted the idea, but now it’s finally taken root. Now the group has been reborn as the Brandt Brauer Frick Ensemble, a 10-piece orchestra that more fully fleshes out the ideas and concepts of the group’s full-length debut, You Make Me Real. The first taste of the Ensemble’s labors is in fact a cover of Emika’s recent single “Pretend,” one that features the English vocalist herself deadpanning above the group’s intricate machinations. Marimba lines convey the the original’s iciness which is broken up by delicate piano lines, full bodied drum arrangements, and wistful strings. It takes precision to conjure all the drama of the electronic instrumental, but there are no more capable arrangers or conductors than the fine fellows at the Ensemble’s core. Their debut LP, Mr. Machine, is set to arrive later this month on !K7 Records. Thanks to BBF and !K7 for the tune.
Brandt Brauer Frick Ensemble, “Pretend”
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Niceness/thx 4 the DL.
Feeling this one a lot, thanks LWE