British producer Damu made a splash last year with a series of singles and a wide-eyed, if opinion-dividing LP, for labels like Local Action and Keysound. His signature is an exuberant, brightly colored amalgamation of juke, R&B, house, and garage, and sounds very much a part of the current wave of UK dance music. “Blind” finds Damu moving into some new, poppier territory, as his production takes a backseat to Py’s simultaneously tense and bluesy vocal. Damu’s instrumental isn’t miles away from his prior productions, moving along at a slightly sluggish, stepping clip and highlighted by the dazzling synths he’s so clearly fond of. The track comes ahead of Py’s forthcoming mixtape Tripping off Wisdom, which is due out in May. Apart from Damu’s contribution, it features production by George Fitzgerald and Throwing Snow, among others. Our thanks to Damu and Py for making this one available for free.
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