Margaret Dygas has always chosen her releases wisely, sending out only the transmissions she’s sure will twist your melon. Her experimental sound sculptures, which pass through dance floors like ear-catching apparitions, have been hosted by Contexterrior, Non Standard Records and Perlon. On October 25th she’ll release her debut album, How Do You Do, on Power Shovel Audio, and this week’s download is a small piece of that much larger canvas although not part of the actual LP. “Reverse” is like spectral connective tissue, tender and pulsing but not of this world, only a gentle click and muffled clap for percussion. Our thanks to Margaret and Power Shovel Audio for sharing this fitting appetizer for her accomplished full length debut.
Download: Margaret Dygas, “Reverse”
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Beautifully crafted, i love how artist are embracing suttle listening compositions now these days; opens the mind as well as the body. Thanx 4 the DL, Miss Dygas.
Terrific, reminds me of 80s Residents viny,l oddly enough…