Atmosphere Processor, the newest release from Gatekeeper, fits neatly into the wider lineage of Apple Pips. Taking reference points from the recognizable hallmarks of the imprint’s main influences — jungle, deep house, and dub — these are adaptable, meaty, and complex cuts, capped with a crisply detailed mixdown. The title track leads with strikingly retro warm pads and razor sharp breaks underpinned by a leagues-deep sub pattern. As is often the case with Apple Pips releases, the watchword here is “lush”: great swathes of colorful pads that ebb and flow around constantly shuffling beats. And, while the continued use of old-school synth stabs have been well and truly rinsed these past few years, they sound so right on this track it would be a cold heart indeed that lamented their inclusion.
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Turning over for “Let Us In,” the energy level is ramped still further, with numerous crafty edits on the snares and tightly controlled hat patterns ducking all over the place. The overarching vibe is one of constant motion, and this will surely be an absolute joy to mix. There is buoyancy to the piece, a tangible frenetic bustle that seems to evoke mischievous memory. Gatekeeper has nailed that sweet spot that ties jungle futurism and the alternately mournful and uplifting emotion of pure house. Further, though, this is electronic dance music pure and simple — a great record.