Mike Dehnert, MD2


Limited to 150 copies and containing scant information, Mike Dehnert’s latest release (and the first record on MD2) could hardly be seen as an attempt to build on his recent high-profile work for Clone. Like the unassuming presentation, the Berlin producer also delivers music that, coming after a succession of grandiose re-approximations of chord-heavy classic techno, is more understated and less, well, epic.

That’s not to suggest Dehnert is starting to shy away from the dance floor: the first untitled cut is a rattling groove, its skeletal pitter-patter rhythms underpinning a fluid, building acid bass line and a gradually building hail of percussion. The second track sees him depart further from the script, with softer, less austere chords and a sweet vocal sample caught amid a rhythm that shuffles and lurches rather than confronts the listener head on. A cynic could argue that like every Berlin techno producer with even the most tenuous connection to Hard Wax, Dehnert has “gone dubstep,” but I’d be inclined to view this release as part of a refinement process. Indeed, if we are to assume that his Fachwerk releases to date captured his wide-eyed rush from bedroom producer to a respected member of techno’s underground, then MD2 marks his transition to the next stage. Irrespective of the destination he hopes to arrive at, this part of his journey is proving immensely enjoyable.

rokas  on February 3, 2010 at 2:35 AM

didnt find anything about this release when i found , if it would be limited and wouldnt say md2 it would totally worthless to buy. hardwax and clone are just making money tats it, there’s nothing special about it. imho special realeses should be special

Tsiridis  on February 3, 2010 at 9:55 AM

got this, nice big bright red 12.
loving all dehnert’s stuff of late

eric cloutier  on February 3, 2010 at 10:48 AM

uhh…what’s not special about this release? its two strong dehnert tracks, the b-side being an absolute monster, and its limited press and distribution.

if hardwax is making money on anything, its by holding on to all the copies of eqd #3 and not letting any other distributor get it until the second pressing, which is pretty ridiculous.

Chris Miller  on February 3, 2010 at 2:49 PM

agreed. this thing bangs from beginning to end. dehnert is on a roll.

rokas  on February 3, 2010 at 2:58 PM

eric i found this through your twitter to be honest, but this is just another copy paste release.
its now a trend to press limited editions and distribute them through hardwax:))

Transire  on February 4, 2010 at 11:40 AM

There was no information about this 12″ on clone.nl !! Only a bad sample of 30sec…

Too late litle white !

jonnyp  on February 4, 2010 at 4:53 PM

love this release. been a big fan since i heard his berghain set on ssgs, however for me his fachwerk releases were beginning to sound a bit samey of late. glad to hear a fresh direction from him. although not too fond of 150 only releases, missed the boat on this and ended up giving some profiteer 25 euros for it. worth it though.

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