Tag Archive: don’t be afraid

Talking Shopcast with Don’t Be Afraid

LWE got in touch with Roth to talk about creating a successful label, where he discovered some of the new talent on DBA, and telling your heroes that you don’t like their work.

Mr. Beatnick, Savannah EP

Savannah completes Mr. Beatnick’s Synthetes EP trilogy maintaining the mellow, memorable note the London musician hit by embedding hip-hop fragments, mosaic-like, between well-spaced kick drums.

MGUN, If You’re Reading This

If You’re Reading This is MGUN’s second effort for London imprint Don’t Be Afraid, and like its predecessor, The Upstairs Apt., it shows Gonzales’s more accessible side.

LWE Podcast 134: Semtek

LWE met up with Semtek at a local cafe to talk about his start in music, making epic-length tracks in France and the importance of keeping his endeavors close-knit and personal. He also put together our 134th exclusive podcast, an energetic blend of house and techno that is a perfect mix of contemporary and classic styles.

Download of the Week: V/A, DBA Unreleased Vol. 1

This week’s download is an entire label comp from Don’t Be Afraid artists Semtek, Mr. Beatnick, Claws For?, and Photonz.

Mr. Beatnick, Sun Goddess EP

On the Sun Goddess EP for Don’t Be Afraid, Mr. Beatnick hones his sample craft to elevate his productions.