01. Head High, “Rave” (Dirt Mix) [Power House]
02. Marco Bernardi, “The Burning Love Ensemble”
[Royal Oak]
03. Omar, “Lay It Down” (André Lodemann New Vocal Mix) [Best Works Records]
04. Bass Clef, “Walworth Road Acid Trapdoor”
[Punch Drunk]
05. Maayan Nidam, “Trippin’ Over You” [Cadenza]
06. Dream 2 Science, “How Do I Love Thee”
[Rush Hour Recordings]
07. Pépé Bradock, “12Turn13” [Atavisme]
08. The Citizen’s Band, “Densed”
[Live At Robert Johnson]
09. Lone, “As A Child (Feat. Machinedrum)”
[R&S Records]
10. Actress, “The Lord’s Graffiti”
[Honest Jon’s Records]
Maayan Nidam
Little White Earbuds May Charts 2012
Maayan Nidam, Don’t Know Why/Feels Like
When I first sampled the little sips of this 12-inch on the Hardwax website a couple months ago, I immediately felt that tingly warmth in my chest that seems to indicate something worth investigating. After the release of her debut album Night Long last year, Maayan Nidam left me wondering: what next? She seemed to have shed the Miss Fitz moniker for all but remixes, and in stepping into her own name she had moved, too, into a new era of emotional, mature, and even contemplative dance music. While her productions past were always composed with taste and precision, the artful formulation of the full-length upgraded her brand of dry-but-funky minimalism to an intoxicated, swaying jazzy wonderland.
Little White Earbuds February Charts 2010
01. John Roberts, “White” [Laid] (buy)
02. Martyn, “Seventy Four” (Redshape Mix) [3024] (buy)
03. Chris Harvey, “Funky Freak”
[Imperanza Recordings] (buy)
04. Vincenzo & Elmar Schubert, “Wanna Love You” [Freerange Records] (buy)
05. Rob Belleville, “Pulchritude” [aDepth Audio] (buy)
06. Steffi ft. Elif Biçer, “Kill Me” [Ostgut Ton] (buy)
07. Joy Orbison, “So Derobe” [Aus Music]
08. Manaboo, “Unhuh” [Steadfast Records] (buy)
09. Nico Purman, “Chamomile” [Vakant] (buy)
10. Pawel, “Panamerican” [Dial] (buy)