Tag Archive: my my

My My & Emika, Price Tag EP

2009 was a particularly quiet year for My My. With Nick Höppner busy managing Ostgut Ton and Lee Jones still riding the waves made by his acclaimed 2008 album, Electric Frank, it’s not all that surprising their output was limited to “Going Going Gone,” their contribution to the All Night Long series, and the Price Tag EP. The last two years have also proven somewhat stylistically problematic for a pair who breathed new life into the sample-heavy micro-house sound as more and more producers spiked their subdued house tracks with sampled snippets. Inviting the Berlin-based producer/vocalist Emika to appear on “Price Tag,” then, seems a fillip for audiences who’ve relied My My for unexpected sounds, providing human depth that’s difficult to evoke with even the deepest sample vaults.

My My, Everybody’s Talkin’ EP

[Playhouse] When I interviewed My My‘s Nick Höppner and Lee Jones a few months ago, they acknowledged the strain of music they released with Playhouse was markedly different from their “Southbound” single for Ostgut Ton, noting that “we’d rather produce something to the occasion.” So few will be surprised that “Everybody’s Talkin’ EP,” their latest […]

Lee Jones, As You Like It

[Aus Music] Since the beginning of my techno/house tenure I’ve been a huge Lee Jones fan. As the driving force behind My My’s Songs for the Gentle album he fused tiny fragments of sound into a cohesive aural statement which displayed how unexpectedly vibrant micro house could be. His arranging style carried over well to […]