True to form, all the three tracks on Red Hook Soil have a subtle uniqueness to them, and share the same with Nick Höppner’s previous efforts.
nick hoppner
Five Reasons You’ll Want to Attend Echo Festival 2013
With Echo Festival fast approaching, LWE wanted to highlight five of the artists who make this Kanegra, Croatia-based festival a can’t miss event.
Airhead, Paper Street
Airhead’s sophomore release offers more of the unusually airy style that sets him apart from peers James Blake and Mount Kimbie. Nick Höppner features as remixer.
LWE Podcast 03: Nick Höppner
MyMy member and quality producer/DJ in his own right, Nick Höppner, kindly assembled this mix exclusively for LWE.
Little White Earbuds Interviews MyMy
Three cool cats: (L-R) Lee Jones, Carsten Klemann and Nick Höppner. Photo by Katja Jaruge My My approach house and techno with artisians’ flair, crafting aural mosaics from hundreds of little sounds glued atop engaging melodies. You can listen closely and admire all the details slipped into every crevice or step back into the crowd […]
MyMy, Southbound
[Ostgut Ton] Artistically, Lee Jones and Nick Höppner of MyMy have never been ones to stand still. Though a love for stitching together beautiful ends from odd means and persistent attention to detail are two overarching principles in their music, each new record from this buy-on-sight group often confounds as much as it delights. Take […]