Tag Archive: pitto

Pitto, Where My Soul Is Now

Once an early adopter of a loop-heavy style, Pitto charts a new course with “Where My Soul Is Now” for the Green imprint.

Little White Earbuds April Charts

Chart courtesy of The Economist 01. DJ Bone, “Sect 1” [Sect Records] (buy) This enigmatic three tracker defies placement in space and time, with a sound well versed in classic methods but as fresh as anything else out there. Here’s hoping whoever sent “Sect 1” to me is prepared to share its wealth with a […]

Pitto, Sexvibe

[Arearemote] Sex can be any number of things for its participants; but if the experience is up to par it can become all encompassing to the point one’s sense of time, restraint and self consciousness are thrown to the wind. Relative newcomer Pitto (Geurt Kersjes) has managed to capture that enraptured feeling with his latest […]